This past weekend, I went home to my family. I was supposed to go to a charity concert being hosted by Bridgeway, but Erika got too sick to go, so I worked the night shift for my mother instead. This weekend turned out to be out, except for the fact that now I'm kind of sick. Here's how it went:
Friday night, I couldn't sleep like so many other Friday nights when I come home, because the dogs are so excited to see me, they sleep with me and keep me up all night. Finally went to sleep at 4am, but had to wake up at 9:30 to go to the Book Festival with Scarlett. The Festival was kinda cool even if I didn't get to see James Patterson or the Target dog. Scarlett and I did see Holly Black and the guy who co-authored the Spiderwick Chronicles with her. Since we sat in line for about 1 1/2 hours to see them, Scarlett and I got to know the people who were sitting around us. In front of us, were this mother and daughter. The daughter was only 10 but in some aspects she was much wiser than her years, and in others, she was much younger. I really liked her mother, seemed like a very sensible lady. Behind us, was a mother with her 2 kids and another boy she brought along. The 2 young boys she brought with her were brats who kept stepping on my toes…but her baby boy was uber cute. She was kind of a really cool person too. She had two lip rings and her background of a librarian political activist grandmother led for some cool stories to entertain us. Our little group talked about everything from books, to shoes. The ten year old girl turned out to have quite a shoe fetish.
After I came home from the book festival, I was supposed to nap, but I went shopping instead. I bought several new books, including Tricks by Ellen Hopkins and Catching Fire (2nd book of Hunger Games) by Suzanne Collins. Both really good books, you all should check them out! I also picked up some groceries for the house, so that when I come home there will actually be food for me to eat. I tried to take a nap once I got home, but ended up reading instead.
I think it is quite obvious that I was rather tired the next day when I had to go to church. But go to church I did, and then I went out to eat with Scarlett and Zoe to celebrate Zoe's birthday. We went to this Vegetarian place called the Great Sage. Wonderful little vegetarian place, also has vegan stuff, and even though I will forever be a carnivore, The food was quite nice. I do admit the food was on the expensive side, at least I think so, but the atmosphere was nice. I really liked our waitress, she was really pretty and had a cool hat, but was kind of spacey so she didn't get that great of a tip.
Erika got abhorrently sick on Sunday, so much so that my mother told me to stay away from her. I think I caught a little of her bug though because on Monday, I got sick too. I think it was more out of fatigue that I was sick though because after a lot of sleep and taking some pills, I appear to be better now. I still have a giant headache and felt like I had to vomit this morning, but other than that, I feel find, if a little tired.