Thursday, September 17, 2009

Exhausting but fun day and a little bit of the roommate

A thoroughly exhausting day so far, and it's not even over yet. And of course there was my daily entertainment called my roommate. So here's the down and dirty of today's Post:

  • Only got 4 hours of sleep last night
  • I went to work out with Athenna and her roommate Ginnefine (cool name huh?) at 8:30am
  • Finally decided to minor in Forensic Computing (computer security for those of you less tech savvy)
  • Got out of a class today
  • Roommate got her first disciplinary hearing summons
  • First meeting of the Fitness club coming up tonight!

So here we go, this past Tuesday, I was supposed to starting working out with my friend Athenna and her roommate Ginnefine, which by the way is an AWESOME name, but they overslept and ditched me. So today we tried it again, and I got really worried because Athenna wasn't answering her phone. So I trotted over to her room, and happily found that she was awake and that Today, she had only almost overslept. They worked out on the elliptical for 30 minutes while I did my normal routine of 20 min elliptical, and then 10 minute upper body workout. I was asked today what do I mean when I say upper body workout. Well, for everyone's information I mean, and in order: 10 leg lifts, 10 push ups, 20-50 crunches, 10 push ups and repeat. After working out with them, I took a shower and got dressed for class.

I was really afraid the I would fall asleep in class because I was so tired from working out and the lack of sleep, but the class turned out to be really interesting. I recorded the class on my computer just in case anyway. In any case, my thoughts kept drifting and I missed some important points in the lecture. As I was sitting there I realized I was sitting next to Air Conditioning and the sound was rather loud. I hope that didn't overpower my soft-spoken professor. Being the sharp retired cop that he is, he noticed me edging my desk away from the wall, but as I moved my desk, I angled it so he couldn't see my computer screen. So what did he do? He very discreetly in his pacing of the room while lecturing, walked thru the chairs so he could see my screen. Crafty old man he is. But, I like him, and plus, he's my advisor so I didn't have to go all the way to his office to tell him I finally decided to go for the forensic computing minor. What does that mean? This means my dear good friends that I will someday be going into IT Security or Network Security. What my dad does.

My Law and Society class was cancelled because of a family emergency. But I don't know how to take that since today was Exam review day. Hopefully this postpones the exam but I doubt it. Good for me though because that meant I could trot down to the Dining Hall and wolf down some lunch. And now for what some of you have been waiting for, the roommate anecdote.

So for the rest of the night, I'm currently at work, writing this wonderful post for you wonderful people! Later today will be Fitness club! Yay! And for those of you who would make fun of my joining Fitness club, for one, being as out of shape as I am, I need this. And there aren't many other clubs to join at all. Please don't suggest I start one either, because I'll just ignore you.

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