Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Roommates, Crisises and Procrastination

So, on monday, I went to class and found out the outline for my semester term paper was due, then found out the same day that I was doing it all wrong and had to start over. I had to choose a new topic, do new research, and start over on my outline. Two months of work down the drain and a nervous break down, later, I managed to email my professor a brand new outline, hopefully along the right lines, and it only took me 12 hours of continuous work.

Today I was supposed to work on my other papers, but I've been procrastinating. I didn't wake up until 1pm, and made my computer unusable by running diagnostics on it because it was so slow. Now, I'm watching my roommate get all dolled up to go on a date with a guy who's not her boyfriend. She's trying to make her boyfriend jealous because he isn't paying attention to her. I find it quite hilarious.

The most horrifying part to me, is that I actually care what she wears and when she asks me questions about the clothes she's trying on, I actually answer with a good answer. I used to never care about clothes and how they looked on other people. When people watching, I would notice things that I might want to copy for my own appearance, but not in the sense that I care how other people looked unless they were utterly repulsive. But, now when my roommate freaks out about shoes, I am able to tell her what kind of shoes to wear, I can tell the difference between flats, heels and other types of shoes and I know somewhat what shoe goes with what type of outfit. It's so sad....

Anyway, here's some pictures of what I did over the weekend:

we went shopping and I was dressing up my daddy

I decided to get into the fun

I'm not sure what my mother is eating there

I'm obsessed with frozen yogurt. This is mine

Cindy's yogurt

Erika's yogurt. She put peanut butter yogurt....

I went shopping with Elizabeth at the new Five below, tried on a hat.

I always mess up my pretty yogurt before I can take a picture....=(
It really did look a lot much so that the cashier took a picture

this is Elizabeth's yogurt, very pastelly

notice anything you might like Scarlett?

put up a new poster in my room

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday and struggle to stay alive

So the happy birthday part is it's my mom's birthday! So Happy Birthday Mom!

For the rest, I've been feeling depressed and tired and all around shitty lately. What's been going on and why do I feel this way? well here's why!

  • really stressed out because of school and grades
  • can't sleep
  • general worry and anxiety for friends
  • boys
  • living up to everyone's expectations
  • worried about being a bother to other people
  • generally angry, and worried about that
yeah so, that's what's on my mind. It makes me mopey and whiny and the few people I feel I can talk to are at odds with me for some reason or another. *sigh* Life is hard, and not having people who understand you is tough.

Anyway, Here's some pictures from my recent activities:
put up more pictures on my walls

advertising while on the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk

my team ComForcare Rockville

Lunch on Sunday was Pho!!!! with my sister and mom. That was fun

Happy, tired, damp and stomach full of dim sum after the AA Memory Walk.

Monday, October 19, 2009

My wonderful day

So today started out okay, but steadily got worse. Classes went well, I had an exam review, and the DEA gave a presentation in one of my classes. That was kind of cool. Talked to this guy, that turned out to be entertaining. He's kind of cool. Then my sister came. That is when everything steadily went south.

Erika saw me on the phone, and obviously wanted to know who it was. I couldn't tell her because Lisa was in the room. Well, Erika figured it out eventually, and like I had predicted, which is why I tried not to let Erika find out, she freaked out. She was mainly upset that I let a stranger have my phone number. I understand, but still, I know there is going to be resulting drama from this....and it sux. So then the guy was talking to started to chicken out and say he didn't want to cause trouble and that is thinking of not talking to me anymore....sigh!!!!!!

So then I had to go to work. For some reason, I guess people decided to all come to the ballston labs tonight. Usually no one is there!!!! Everyone was printing and asking me questions when I just wanted to rock out to my music and ride out my anger. But no, I couldn't.

So here I am still angry with myself, my sister and the guy. I'm done with work and just wanna go back to my room. The Security Guard called the shuttle. Which didn't come for an HOUR. The security guard, my friend and I, all called like 4 times....So now I'm completely pissed off.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Midnight Madness

Free T-Shirt, Hand Towel that says Saints Pride, and a bump on the head, That is what I got for going to Midnight Madness. What is Midnight Madness? Why, It's the celebration of the start of the Basketball season. It was loud, long, and kind of fun.

Before the rally, there was t-shirt decorating, which I didn't participate in, Giant Connect 4, and large Inflatables. Laser Tag, Basketball and this really cool inflatable where you're hooked up to your opponent by a wire and you have to try and make baskets in opposite hoops.

Here's some pictures:

my friend Michelle

Blurry pic of Bernie the Dog

Alecia and Me. She's who I went to the rally with.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Break

Hmm...Been awhile since I posted. But, My Fall break was pretty cool. I spent Friday and most of Saturday with my family. Saturday night, I carpooled with Scotty up to Gettysburg to see Zoe. We went to a pub. Don't know it's name but it was cool. Zoe, Scotto, Scarletta and I only had 1 drink apiece, since Zoe was tired. Scotto had yuengling and the rest of us Mangen's? or something like that. It was hard cider. We went to 7-11 and then walked back to Zoe's, whereupon Scarlett promptly made a screwdriver and then didn't like it. So I drank it.

Zoe's friends came back from their various activities, and we all went to the boy's suite to eat deep fried food and congregate whereupon zoe introduced us to people who I cannot remember most of their names. Victory is mine though, because I now remember more names than I started off with. I started off with James, Ryan and Amanda, to which I can now add, Annie, Andy, and Matt. Yep...only names I can remember, and...I doubt I can actually match Matt's name to his face. Is there actually a Matt? I'm beginning to doubt it.

On Sunday, we all went to PA Renaissance Faire, and had a ball. Everyone dressed up but me, which, is pretty normal. I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures, but managed to take some on other people's cameras so if you want to see them, just comment and I'll post some. I bought some nunchakus and a knife. A nice haul over all. Lots of food, but no one took pictures of me eating so I cannot show you.

Monday and Today were pretty uneventful except for lunch on Monday with my dad, Erika and Mo. Erika made sushi and we brought it over to Mo and my dad to feast on. Yummy. Also got my car fixed. Spent most of today doing nothing as well, except spending my evening with a little girl named Maggie. She's an awesome kid, but very exhausting. We made peanut butter play dough, it was fun, for her at least. Then we went to Old Country Buffet, and gourged. On a high note, I got on the Wii and found out I lost 7.5lbs. Don't know how I achieved that, but good job me!!!

and now, some pics:
Salmon, Tuna and Yellow tail Hand roll sushi. YUM!!!
 Erika and I went to eat sushi at my favorite sushi place. We ate 6 rolls, 2 nigiri sushi, and 1 hand roll.

Erika's Dessert
my dessert. Yes, mine pales in comparison, but I LOVE mochi.
He blinked! Lucky is so cute.
Sammie is staring at Maggie making the peanut butter dough.
and of course, Maggie is staring right back at her.
Peanut Butter Play Dough
I finally put pictures up in my dorm room. Mostly of my family and dogs, since they are Erika's pics.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Day Today....

Yeah, don't feel like writing about my i'll just post some pictures of what happened today and yesterday

That was yesterday, here's today

yep, that's it, make up ur own story for what happened to me. Ok? yeah...

Monday, October 5, 2009

So today, I was totally blindsided by my Deviant Behavior exam. Did I know one was going to happen? yes. Did I know it was going to be today? No. See, I forgot that today was exam day because I overslept last week and missed the review session. Didn't even know it was a review session. My professor has already told us that he won't help us with notes and stuff. We have to be pro active and get that stuff from our classmates. Shucks.

One good thing, I got my camera today. I bought a camera off of Ebay for $75 and it's awesome. It's not the best camera, but it does the job. Any bad pictures can be salvaged by Photoshop. Yes, I use Photoshop. not much, but just to correct the colors and sometime i take a picture that is off center and use Photoshop to correct it. Cropping is a good tool too. Now, there are fun time when making outrageous pictures is awesome too. Learning Photoshop is fun.

Here's some picture of my dorm room since I now have the ability to show you.
This is my bed, and oasis from the harshness of college

My closet and on the right is the door with my roommate's mirror on it

TV, Fridge

Roommate's messy side.

The one on the left is mine. Messy huh?


Does sex still sell? Adult industry not immune to recession

Friday, October 2, 2009

Shoes, Class and Filesharing

So, today was really cool. I had my Crime, Media and Culture class today. We had guest speakers come in. They did a general presentation on IT security and other such stuff. But the cool part was the demonstration in Computer Forensics. They demonstrated how they can get information from any memory device, even if it's been deleted. Even though it's probably pretty routine for them, I thought it was awesome. I've always wanted to know how they do that. The other thing I want to learn someday is how to fix a corrupted drive, although that's a little harder.

Went shoe shopping today. Picked up some athletic shoes and some Airwalk chucks. Had to go alone even though I invited Lisa along. I don't think she really wants to hang with me at all. Kinda sad that I'm not loved, but hey what can I do? I can only try so hard. Anyway, for the rest of the night I thought I would work on my Educational paper. What's an educational paper you might ask? Well, actually it's a punishment paper that I must right because I got caught doing something naughty. It wasn't that bad, but because of stupidity and not quite ignorance, I got caught so I must pay for the crime. Should I have been doing it? No. of course not. It's illegal. What did I get caught for? File sharing. *smirks* yes, I know, stupid stupid me. Mmm…of course…anyone who's reading this, you shouldn't do it either. BAD, stop doing it right now!

So yeah, I have to write a 3 page scholarly paper on Joel Tenenbaum and also on ideas for how to better educate MU on filesharing. Fun fun…. Not!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Blog

So decided to start a blog about College Life. Kind of a whim, we'll see how it goes. Anyone wanna join me in blogging about college? just lemme know, I'll add you to the blog.

so at the moment...the link is ...subject to change for when i think of a better one