Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Roommates, Crisises and Procrastination

So, on monday, I went to class and found out the outline for my semester term paper was due, then found out the same day that I was doing it all wrong and had to start over. I had to choose a new topic, do new research, and start over on my outline. Two months of work down the drain and a nervous break down, later, I managed to email my professor a brand new outline, hopefully along the right lines, and it only took me 12 hours of continuous work.

Today I was supposed to work on my other papers, but I've been procrastinating. I didn't wake up until 1pm, and made my computer unusable by running diagnostics on it because it was so slow. Now, I'm watching my roommate get all dolled up to go on a date with a guy who's not her boyfriend. She's trying to make her boyfriend jealous because he isn't paying attention to her. I find it quite hilarious.

The most horrifying part to me, is that I actually care what she wears and when she asks me questions about the clothes she's trying on, I actually answer with a good answer. I used to never care about clothes and how they looked on other people. When people watching, I would notice things that I might want to copy for my own appearance, but not in the sense that I care how other people looked unless they were utterly repulsive. But, now when my roommate freaks out about shoes, I am able to tell her what kind of shoes to wear, I can tell the difference between flats, heels and other types of shoes and I know somewhat what shoe goes with what type of outfit. It's so sad....

Anyway, here's some pictures of what I did over the weekend:

we went shopping and I was dressing up my daddy

I decided to get into the fun

I'm not sure what my mother is eating there

I'm obsessed with frozen yogurt. This is mine

Cindy's yogurt

Erika's yogurt. She put peanut butter yogurt....

I went shopping with Elizabeth at the new Five below, tried on a hat.

I always mess up my pretty yogurt before I can take a picture....=(
It really did look a lot much so that the cashier took a picture

this is Elizabeth's yogurt, very pastelly

notice anything you might like Scarlett?

put up a new poster in my room

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