Monday, January 25, 2010

A Question of Social Norms

Paternal and Maternal Societies. 99% of the World is Paternal now, save a few small Maternal societies in obscure corners of the world. Males especially that I have seen are expected to be the protectors and women are supposed to be sheltered by protectors. Or at least that is what I have been told and when because my very nature goes against that, I naturally rebel. Now, the question is, am I the exception to the norm or is it just perception? Well according to all the Sociology classes I've taken, I am the exception to the norm because I do not follow the rules. According to my Social Justice class, it depends. It depends on social context and personal views. But even in this, since I live in the United States, the social context that matters is that of the States and the personal views of those in the States as well as my own. So, why did I bring all of this up? Simple, Jesus.

This Nation was built by Christians who wished religious freedom, but also by males accustomed to a paternal society. Women were first seen as property, and then as second-class citizens. Even now, many men still view women as something to be sheltered, protected and ruled over. Now, I do not even pretend to say that Men shouldn't be in a leadership position. In fact, if and when I get married, I absolutely agree that the man should be the Head of the Household, but what I disagree about and the reason I write right now is the part about men ruling women in general.

The Husband has every right to put his wife in her place if she gets out of hand, but he has no right to put other men's wives in their place. Not only is it not right for Men to try to rule over women who are not their family, it is disgraceful. If men have a problem with a women they have no right to lead, then they should either talk to that woman with the respect that the woman deserves, or if they cannot bring themselves to do that, cowards that they may be, they can simply go to a male or leader over that woman. Now, again that implies that the leader may not be male, but you know what? Get past it.

Ok, time for the Jesus part. God gave power to men. I admit, he created man over woman first. Thus, this gives man some power over women, but only as long as they are in a rightful leadership position. This position may be as simple as husband, or as High as President, but they do not have power over women unless they have this position. These titles also do not give them absolute power. There is a scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which the mother says to her daughter, "The husband may be the head, but the wife is the neck!" That is true, and men shouldn't forget it. women have power too. Another point I would like to point out is that men are fallible. Adam was charged to protect Eve. And yet, he didn't. He failed in protecting her from the serpent and THEN went so far as to BLAME her. Nice protector eh? They say the past predicts the future. Ah, so true, for I as I look at the past, I see men blaming women for things and not just in the past, but in the present and it will continue until Jesus comes again.

So to wrap it up, my conclusion is, The Lord God did not giver power for men to rule over women, he merely gave men the power to lead and only over those whom they have rightful power to lead over. Women are very capable, not second-class and shouldn't be treated as such. Men are fallible. By this purely one sided argument, I do not men that women are better, no by FAR, women are just as fallible and there are many women I would never trust in positions of power. And yet, men need to remember women were made to be a companion so that men would not be lonely. Not just something to rule over or as just a companion for the lower regions of the male body.

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